
謹慎部署 4年儲60萬

(明報)11月24日 星期一 05:05

【明報專訊】30歲的謝先生,打算在4年後儲蓄60萬元。由於投資年期較短,加上他只能承擔中度風險,故投資組合亦宜穩健。謝先生目前的資產只有3隻股票,就是透過月供股票形式而買入的A50中國基金(2823) 、中國人壽 (2628)及中國交通建設 (1800),現值4.5萬元,較總供款額錄得約25%的虧損。

要累積60萬元,一套穩健的理財原則尤為重要,謝先生現時除了一筆已在過去累積的股票單位外,每月收入在扣除開支後約有5000至6000元作定期 投資。在分析投資部署前,認清理財目標是首要條件,先要評估本身對風險的承受能力之餘,投資年期亦是考慮因素之一,通常少於10年的投資時間,都屬於較短 期。

投資年期短 回報有限

經濟有周期循環,從過去的數據觀察所見,保守估計一般經濟體系需要約10年時間,才完成一個周期運行。由於謝先生的投資年期較短,假設在4年之後必 定要達到60萬元作固定開支的話,如進修費用,所選擇的投資工具務必穩健,但如果投資年期長一些,而可容許資產價格的波動性較大的話,潛在回報可觀的資 產,則可令投資增值潛力加大。既然謝先生強調只可承擔中度風險,以下分析便以較穩健的角度考慮。

理財第二步,便是實踐投資策略,普遍以為投資工具分散便可分散大部分風險,這個定律在正常的情况下是可行的,但遇着近期百年一遇的金融海嘯時,所見到的無論是股票、樓市、債券、商品以及貨幣基金都受到衝擊,而過去一直以較穩健的投資方式運作的強積金 ,都難逃一劫。再者,過去數十年,我們都已經碰過大大小小的金融風暴,記憶猶新的便是九七亞洲金融風暴、2000年科網股爆破等,幾年出現一次的波動循環已見司空見慣,所以在投資時,建議謝先生除了運用分散投資工具的方法外,亦需留意所套用的策略。

舉例而言,謝先生用了一段時間月供股票,其間股票的組合價格可能略有升幅,但近期市場的波動,相信過去用來供款的血汗錢,已給冲走了一大截。倘若謝 先生早在4年前累積港股,而必須在今年套現以達至目標,誰知金融衝擊一浪接一浪,就此,4年前的儲蓄理想便給粉碎掉。因此,縱使他以每月月供形式累積股 票,利用平均成本法減低股份波動的風險,但經歷近期的大跌市後,資本亦因此貶值,所以在投資策略上,過去所累積的股票,應視為一筆過的投資金額。投資了一 段時間後,就該開始定期檢視組合的變化。當然,月供股票的策略可如常運作。如策略套用得宜,定期作出相應的組合調節,這樣既不會因短期市場的利好氣氛冲昏 了頭腦,也可清楚把自己的目標放在第一位。

每半年檢討組合 隨時作額外供款

當掌握投資策略後,接下來的便在投資分佈上作出考慮。現時謝先生的投資集中在中資股票上,雖然中國股票價格已大幅回落,但長遠前景依然不變,加上近 期中央推出4萬億元刺激經濟措施,對內地中期經濟的影響應該是正面的。須知道,中國股市及經濟仍在發展當中,波動性是在所難免的,故之前累積下來的股票仍 可繼續持有,未來不妨有恒心地供款。為着平衡日後的投資風險,謝先生可考慮把現時另外每月可作投資的5000元放在一些均衡組合上,所選擇的以環球股票及 債券混合投資基金為主,目的是把現在的投資波動性降低,而每月剩餘的1000元便作為後備現金。若每月1萬元(月供股票加基金)的供款投資以年率6%增長 的話,加上已累積的股票總值,4年後便達到預期的儲蓄目標(表2)。

如前所述,謝先生只有4年的時間作儲蓄投資,年期屬短,建議最少每隔半年檢視組合一次,倘若發現組合的總值少於附表內對應年期所列的預期金額,便把 後備現金撥入作為額外供款,主要的投資則以均衡組合為主,這個做法務求令整體的預期金額能夠達標,如一旦補充資金後仍不足以彌補的話,可能需要在未來增加 額外供款。反之,若將來投資環境理想,增長超越預期的話,如12 個月後總組合價值為20萬元,較約17.2萬元超出2.8萬元,建議把超出預期數字的一半套現放在存款,確保利潤得以保存至4年後,倘若第2年的總值低於 預期,仍可把部份之前鎖定的利潤回撥至投資組合內。


•IBC 資本有限公司余伯權


來函:寄香港柴灣嘉業街18 號 明報工業中心A 座15樓經濟版編輯收

傳真:2558 3964




謹慎部署 4年儲60萬

(明報)11月24日 星期一 05:05

【明報專訊】30歲的謝先生,打算在4年後儲蓄60萬元。由於投資年期較短,加上他只能承擔中度風險,故投資組合亦宜穩健。謝先生目前的資產只有3隻股票,就是透過月供股票形式而買入的A50中國基金(2823) 、中國人壽 (2628)及中國交通建設 (1800),現值4.5萬元,較總供款額錄得約25%的虧損。

要累積60萬元,一套穩健的理財原則尤為重要,謝先生現時除了一筆已在過去累積的股票單位外,每月收入在扣除開支後約有5000至6000元作定期 投資。在分析投資部署前,認清理財目標是首要條件,先要評估本身對風險的承受能力之餘,投資年期亦是考慮因素之一,通常少於10年的投資時間,都屬於較短 期。

投資年期短 回報有限

經濟有周期循環,從過去的數據觀察所見,保守估計一般經濟體系需要約10年時間,才完成一個周期運行。由於謝先生的投資年期較短,假設在4年之後必 定要達到60萬元作固定開支的話,如進修費用,所選擇的投資工具務必穩健,但如果投資年期長一些,而可容許資產價格的波動性較大的話,潛在回報可觀的資 產,則可令投資增值潛力加大。既然謝先生強調只可承擔中度風險,以下分析便以較穩健的角度考慮。

理財第二步,便是實踐投資策略,普遍以為投資工具分散便可分散大部分風險,這個定律在正常的情况下是可行的,但遇着近期百年一遇的金融海嘯時,所見到的無論是股票、樓市、債券、商品以及貨幣基金都受到衝擊,而過去一直以較穩健的投資方式運作的強積金 ,都難逃一劫。再者,過去數十年,我們都已經碰過大大小小的金融風暴,記憶猶新的便是九七亞洲金融風暴、2000年科網股爆破等,幾年出現一次的波動循環已見司空見慣,所以在投資時,建議謝先生除了運用分散投資工具的方法外,亦需留意所套用的策略。

舉例而言,謝先生用了一段時間月供股票,其間股票的組合價格可能略有升幅,但近期市場的波動,相信過去用來供款的血汗錢,已給冲走了一大截。倘若謝 先生早在4年前累積港股,而必須在今年套現以達至目標,誰知金融衝擊一浪接一浪,就此,4年前的儲蓄理想便給粉碎掉。因此,縱使他以每月月供形式累積股 票,利用平均成本法減低股份波動的風險,但經歷近期的大跌市後,資本亦因此貶值,所以在投資策略上,過去所累積的股票,應視為一筆過的投資金額。投資了一 段時間後,就該開始定期檢視組合的變化。當然,月供股票的策略可如常運作。如策略套用得宜,定期作出相應的組合調節,這樣既不會因短期市場的利好氣氛冲昏 了頭腦,也可清楚把自己的目標放在第一位。

每半年檢討組合 隨時作額外供款

當掌握投資策略後,接下來的便在投資分佈上作出考慮。現時謝先生的投資集中在中資股票上,雖然中國股票價格已大幅回落,但長遠前景依然不變,加上近 期中央推出4萬億元刺激經濟措施,對內地中期經濟的影響應該是正面的。須知道,中國股市及經濟仍在發展當中,波動性是在所難免的,故之前累積下來的股票仍 可繼續持有,未來不妨有恒心地供款。為着平衡日後的投資風險,謝先生可考慮把現時另外每月可作投資的5000元放在一些均衡組合上,所選擇的以環球股票及 債券混合投資基金為主,目的是把現在的投資波動性降低,而每月剩餘的1000元便作為後備現金。若每月1萬元(月供股票加基金)的供款投資以年率6%增長 的話,加上已累積的股票總值,4年後便達到預期的儲蓄目標(表2)。

如前所述,謝先生只有4年的時間作儲蓄投資,年期屬短,建議最少每隔半年檢視組合一次,倘若發現組合的總值少於附表內對應年期所列的預期金額,便把 後備現金撥入作為額外供款,主要的投資則以均衡組合為主,這個做法務求令整體的預期金額能夠達標,如一旦補充資金後仍不足以彌補的話,可能需要在未來增加 額外供款。反之,若將來投資環境理想,增長超越預期的話,如12 個月後總組合價值為20萬元,較約17.2萬元超出2.8萬元,建議把超出預期數字的一半套現放在存款,確保利潤得以保存至4年後,倘若第2年的總值低於 預期,仍可把部份之前鎖定的利潤回撥至投資組合內。


•IBC 資本有限公司余伯權


來函:寄香港柴灣嘉業街18 號 明報工業中心A 座15樓經濟版編輯收

傳真:2558 3964






(BN) Copper Goes From First to Worst in Metals as Economy Slows, Housing Sinks

Bloomberg News, sent from my iPhone.

Copper Goes From First to Worst as Economies Slow

Sept. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Copper, the best-performing industrial metal in 2007, may end this year as a loser for the first time since 2001.

The metal, used for electrical wire and water pipes, may drop 11 percent to $2.75 a pound in New York by Dec. 31 as demand from the housing industry declines, said Michael Pento, who helps oversee $1.5 billion at Delta Global Advisors in Holmdel, New Jersey. Copper gained about 30 percent annually on average for the past six years as mines from Chile to Australia struggled to keep pace with consumption in Asia.

Builders use about 400 pounds of copper in a typical U.S. home, so prices may fall more than other industrial metals because the housing market is collapsing. Sales of new U.S. homes fell to a 17-year low last month, the Commerce Department said Sept. 25. Copper dropped 3.2 percent to $3.0745 a pound on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange last week, making it the biggest loser on the Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of 19 commodities for the first time since December.

``People realize that our worst fears about the economy are true, and there's going to be very little demand'' for copper, said William O'Neill, a partner at Logic Advisors in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. ``For gold, and other commodities, people are focusing on this `flight to a safe haven' idea in our financial crisis.''

Copper Turnaround

Copper rallied 26 percent in the first quarter, more than any other metal on the CRB index, and reached a record $4.2605 on May 5. The price fell 32 percent since then as U.S. growth faltered and prospects for a rebound were eroded by the failure of banks saddled with subprime mortgage loans. Copper will average $3.28 next year, $2.875 in 2010 and continue its slide through 2012, according to 12 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.

Copper futures for December delivery plunged 5.5 percent to $2.9065 today in New York, the first time the metal has fallen below $3 this year. The metal is down 14 percent in September, poised for its worst month since June 1996, and is headed for its biggest quarterly decline ever.

Aluminum fell 2 percent to $2,441 a metric ton on the London Metal Exchange, while zinc slid 4.4 percent to $1,692 a ton. Platinum declined 2.9 percent to $1,090 an ounce in London over-the-counter trading.

Economists expect U.S. growth to slow to 1.5 percent next year from 1.7 percent in 2008, according to surveys compiled by Bloomberg.

Financial Bailout

Government proposals to rescue financial institutions helped gold, not copper. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson introduced a $700 billion bailout plan on Sept. 19, seeking to revive credit markets through the government purchase of troubled financial assets. The U.S. House of Representatives today voted down the proposal backed by the Bush administration and congressional leaders of both parties.

Gold gained 20 percent since Sept. 11, including a 0.7 percent gain today, as investors sought alternatives to equities and bet the bank rescue will both increase government borrowing and inflation. Economists estimate consumer prices will rise 4.5 percent this year, the fastest since 1990.

The price of gold gained 2.8 percent last week to $888.50 an ounce, and silver surged 8.2 percent to $13.503 an ounce.

``The fact that we need a bailout is pretty indicative of the fact that the economy isn't sound,'' said Pento, who correctly forecast rallies in gold and oil after Paulson made his proposal. ``Base metals are not my favorite play. I'm using this opportunity to accumulate precious metals and energy.''

Metals Outlook

Philip Roberts, the chief European technical strategist at Barclays Capital in London, said copper may drop 11 percent on the London Metal Exchange to $6,000 a metric ton ($2.72 a pound) by the end of the year, and gold may top $1,000 in the next month or two. Logic Advisor's O'Neill forecast copper at $2.90 a pound in the next two months.

As copper fell last week and the MSCI World Index of stocks dropped 2.8 percent, the CRB rose 1.4 percent, the first gain since Aug. 22, led by sugar, crude oil, cocoa and soybeans.

Copper last had an annual decline in 2001, when a U.S. recession cut demand from manufacturers and stockpiles monitored by the LME were heading to a record high. LME inventories jumped 81 percent since the start of May and reached a 19-month high of 209,800 tons on Sept. 19.

The government's attempt to cleanse banks of bad mortgages won't stem the slide in home prices, said Robert Toll, chief executive officer of Toll Brothers Inc., the world's largest luxury homebuilder.

Toll reported its fourth straight quarterly loss this month as builders grappled with the worst housing decline since the Great Depression. While new construction stalled, sales are falling even faster, leaving 10.9 months of supply compared with 10.3 months in July, government data show.

Rescue, Revival

Not everyone expects copper to drop.

Tim Mercer, the chief investment officer at Hong Kong-based hedge fund Musashi Capital Ltd., said the rescue plan may revive copper along with other commodities because the government's cash infusion is ``potentially enormously inflationary.''

Investors buy raw materials as a hedge when the dollar weakens and inflation increases, Mercer said. The CRB index surged to its highest ever on July 3 as the U.S. currency sank toward a record low against the euro. When the dollar rebounded 12 percent in the next 10 weeks, the CRB dropped 25 percent.

Paulson's plan also may help copper by freeing up credit markets and setting the stage for a revival of investment and economic growth, said Donald Selkin, chief market strategist at National Securities Corp. in New York.

Gold Versus Copper

``If they do what they say they're going to do, and we don't have this credit issue hanging over everyone's head, that means business can expand,'' Selkin said. ``No, it won't put a bottom in for housing, but it could stabilize commercial demand for copper.'' Gold is still a ``better bet'' than copper, he said.

Gold will gain as the bailout plan weakens the dollar and fuels inflation, said Brian Hicks, who helps manage $1.5 billion at U.S. Global Investors in San Antonio. The U.S. Dollar Index has dropped 1.4 percent since Sept. 18, the day before Paulson introduced the plan.

``If I had to allocate new money, it would be more on the gold front and not toward any of the base metals,'' Hicks said. ``We've seen copper demand come down, and that will probably continue. Some of the reasons to be bearish on copper are the reasons to like gold. We're at a point where gold will outperform.''

To contact the reporter on this story: Millie Munshi in New York at mmunshi@bloomberg.net .

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KH Siu
